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Remove Mole from the Face
Possibly you have wondered if that unsightly remove mole from the face or wart that stands out somewhere on your body can be removed. Or maybe it gets irritated sometimes, bleeds, or even has black hair. Then, you sure have a solution! But first of all, the most important thing is to make a correct pre-surgical dermatological diagnosis to avoid problems in the future.
What is Mole?
Moles (also called nevus) are groupings in some regions of melanocytes, which are the cells that produce skin pigment.
What Types of Mole are There?
The most frequent is that they appear throughout life (acquired nevi), but some are present from birth or the first weeks, known as congenital nevi.
The acquired ones appear after two years, increasing in size and number during childhood, up to 30-40 years. Within them, according to their clinical appearance, we differentiate several types:
Junctional or union nevus: they are dark spots, of variable color, without relief, round or oval. They are the most frequent in the middle stages of life.
Compound nevus: They can be flat lesions with a slightly raised area, which sometimes have hairs, usually brown, more frequent in children.
Intradermal nevi: These are dome-shaped, raised, non-pigmented lesions, usually flesh-cultured, especially on the face. They may also have hair inside. They are the most frequent in advanced stages of life.
Regarding congenital nevi: they have a higher risk of becoming malignant the larger they are. Small and medium (up to 20 cm) have less chance (less than 1%), so their removal is unnecessary, although monitoring and sun protection are essential.
When Should Mole be Checked?
If there are no risk factors, there is no evidence to advise that everyone check their moles more than once a year, although we should always do it if we observe any changes or have doubts.
However, all people with risk factors should regularly vista a dermatologist to check their moles. And what are those risk factors?
- Personal history of melanoma.
- First-degree family history of melanoma.
- Have more than 50 moles.
- Tener atypical or dysplastic nevus.
- Blonde or red-haired people with light eyes and fair skin.
- People with low defenses (immunosuppressive drugs, transplant patients, chronic diseases…).
- Severe sunburn in childhood (with blisters).
- Regular use of UVA cabins.
How to Remove Mole from the Face Safely?
Once we have made the correct diagnosis of a skin mole or other benign lesion, we must choose the most appropriate procedure. Different surgical techniques should evaluate depending on the initial diagnosis of the lesion to achieve the best aesthetic result.
Among the different surgical techniques, we can find:
Biopsy with a punch (punch biopsy): A circular hole is placed on the mole with which we manage to remove the mole with the minimum possible diameter.
Excision by shaving (shave): We reserve it for raised lesions that look like warts in which we shave the lesion at skin level. The aesthetic result is excellent.
Surgical excision: we usually use it in flat lesions where we need to remove the entire lesion to make a correct diagnosis. In this case, stitches should use.
Ablative laser or CO2 laser: In benign and non-melanocytic skin lesions, we can use the CO2 laser to vaporize them. It has an excellent aesthetic result.
Cryotherapy: Only in some benign lesions confirmed by dermatome scope can we apply cryotherapy. Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to generate freezing temperatures (-196°C) to destroy cells. Although it is a quick and easy procedure in the office, the aesthetic results are worse, so I prefer other methods.
Symptoms to Identify Cancerous Remove Mole from the Face
Moles are spots on the skin of various sizes formed by the accumulation of the pigment melanin. Although later, we will talk about the use of multiple methods to eliminate them, first, we have to know the symptoms to identify cancerous moles to see if they have malignant cells or are just normal moles. Therefore, it is essential always to have an experience dermatologists to detect cancerous moles.
Do you know the ABCDE technique? It is a simple method to detect possible signs that tell you that a mole is NOT malignant:
- If the mole is symmetric.
- If you have irregular edges or are not defined.
- If they have an uneven colour and even shades of bluish, reddish or white tones.
- If the diameter is great than 6 millimetres wide.
- If its Evolution is constant in terms of colour, shape and size.
Besides, if the mole itches or bleeds and has scabs that do not health over time, these are signs of a possible malignant mole.
Treatments to Erase Remove Mole from the Face Naturally
If you rule out all the symptoms of malignant moles, you can carry out these 100% natural treatments to eliminate them:
1. The Acids in Apple Cider Vinegar
Due to its high content of natural acids, it is one of the most effective treatments to remove moles naturally. You should first soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and place it on the mole. Let it act with an adhesive strip in place overnight, and repeat the procedure until the mole is completely gone. If the mole gets a little worse in the first few days, don’t worry, it’s part of the process.
2. Garlic Enzymes
Garlic contains a large number of enzymes that help remove cell buildup. First, you must disinfect the mole area to rule out a possible infection, grind a clove of garlic, and the rest of the procedure must be the same as apple cider vinegar. Remember to repeat the same process every night until it disappears completely. It will probably fall off in as little as a week.
3. The Power of Natural Honey
Honey is ideal for reducing the dark colour of a mole and deleting it. It is a product that has many benefits for the skin, as long as it is pure and natural.
You must apply a small amount of honey to the mole and cover it with gauze, so it does not slip or west. You can perform this procedure twice daily to achieve greater effectiveness; recommend in the morning and at night.
4. Onion Juices
Onion is another of the ingredients used to remove moles from the skin, and it is just as easy to get as the others. Its natural juices help reduce the concentration of pigments that make up the mole. To use its properties, you must liquefy the onion, obtain the liquid, and then spread it on the mole. It would help if you carried out the same treatment as the others. But be careful to apply it close to the eyes and eyelids.
Other treatments are also usually effective, such as applying pineapple juice and aloe vera. However, these treatments will work as long as the moles are not malignant. Do not hesitate to screen for skin cancer if you suspect a mole is carcinogenic.
How to Remove Mole from the Face Safely?
When moles are benign, they can remove for aesthetic reasons quickly and safely, thanks to the high-precision laser Plasm age: Discover how the revolution in aesthetic medicine works.
There are large, flat, with relief, brown, black, reddish, round or irregular. Moles can appear anywhere on the body, such as the back, neck, hands, and feet; and even on the scalp, underarms or face. Although many defend that moles are details that give personality, others consider them an unsightly problem and wonder; Can I remove moles from my face?
It estimates that people have between 10 and 40 moles distributed throughout the body. Therefore, you are likely to have one you do not like or would rather not be there. For those cases, there are many solutions! However, first of all, you should consult a dermatologist to ensure that it does not risk your health. Once the diagnosis obtains, removing a benign and unsightly mole from the face can carried out through different techniques such as: cutting with a scalpel, applying liquid nitrogen, burning the upper layer of the skin, excision by shaving, vaporization of this through laser, among others.