
Cashews are nuts rich in unsaturated fatty acids and with great nutritional value. It makes them a very beneficial food for the body, especially the eyes. Below we will tell you the main properties of cashew nuts and the essential benefits that their consumption has for our visual health. Cashews are the kidney-shaped seed of plant origin from the cashew tree sharing a family with mango, a tropical fruit obtained from several species of trees of the Mangifera genus. The cashew produces fresh fruit and dried fruit at the same time.

The cashew flower gives rise to the red or yellow cashew apple depending on the variety, the red type having a sweeter flavor. The cashew apple does not usually market since it must consume in less than 24 hours from harvest. After removing its hard shell, the seed found in the lower part of the apple is one of the healthiest nuts due to its nourishing properties.

Benefits of Cashew

The benefits of cashew is also known as merely Indian walnut, cashew, or cashew, among others, is a type of nut from the Anacardium occidentale tree, which is an excellent ally for health because it contains antioxidants and is rich in fats that are good for the heart and in minerals such as magnesium, iron, selenium, and zinc, which prevent anomie and improve the health of the skin, nails, and hair. For this reason, consuming around 30 grams daily can be a great way to supplement nutrients daily.

What is Cashew?

The cashew (Anacardium occidentale), also known as kaiju, cashew, cashew, casual, and casual, is a tropical fruit. The most used part of this fruit is its seed, which is known as cashew.

Nuts are foods with high nutritional value and are beneficial for our health. In this case, cashew is one of them. For this reason, cashew nuts are directly related to weight loss, valid for the circulatory symptomizing promote blood sugar control.

Origin of the Cashew

It is a tree native to southern Venezuela and northeastern Brazil, its original name in Brazilian Portuguese is kaiju. However, it is more common in Central American countries where its name is usually papa or merely. Its consumption is typical in countries like Cuba or Colombia. It is also ” the fruit of memory “because among its benefits is helping the brain’s functions e brain.

The Portuguese colonizers took the seeds to India and Mozambique in 1568. It was introduced in Southwest Asia, reaching Africa in the second half of the 16th century. The United States made the first seed introductions from India in 1905.

How to Prepare Cashew Butter?

How to Prepare Cashew Butter?

To prepare the cashew butter, place 1 cup of this dried fruit without skin and roast in the mixer until it forms a creamy paste, and it must store in a container with a lid in the refrigerator.

In addition, it is possible to leave the pasta saltier or sweeter according to taste. It can be salty by adding a little salt or more adorable if you add a little honey, for example.

Main Producers of Cashew

Currently, the primary producers of cashews globally, together with peanuts, walnuts, pistachios and hazelnuts, are Vietnam, India, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Brazil and Indonesia.

On the other pointer, if we only count the cashew, the world’s largest producer is Brazil, its place of origin, although India currently seems to have surpassed it in export volume. Although this fruit is produced in Cuba or Colombia, it is also imported from other countries.

The Benefits of Cashew

The benefits of cashew are due to its content of essential nutrients for the health of the body, so it could:

Prevent premature ageing: because it is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamin E that prevent the injury caused by free radicals to cells;

Prevent heart disease: because it contains mono and polyunsaturated fats, fibers and antioxidants that promote the increase of “good” HDL cholesterol and help reduce bad “LDL” cholesterol;

Regulate blood sugar: by way of it is rich in fibers that delay the absorption of sugars, avoiding glycemic spikes, and could reduce insulin secretion, being an excellent option for people with diabetes or people with insulin resistance;

Improve memory: it contains selenium, a micronutrient that acts as an antioxidant and prevents the damage caused by free radicals to brain cells. In addition, it too has vitamin E, which could help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s;

Prevent or improve depression: because it is rich in zinc which, according to some scientific studies, is a mineral whose deficiency has been associated with this condition;

Reduce blood pressure, body aches, headaches, migraines and muscle fatigue since it is a good source of magnesium and has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Strengthen the immune system, as it covers zinc, vitamin E and A.

Prevent osteoporosis because it contains calcium and phosphorus, these minerals being essential to maintain or increase bone density.

  • Prevent and treat anemia, as it is rich in iron and folic acid.

Maintain the well-being of the skin, hair and nails because it contains copper, selenium, zinc and vitamin E, essential nutrients to protect the skin, promote the growth and hardening of pins and improve blood circulation in the skin. Hairy.

How to Include Cashew in the Diet?

How to Include Cashew in the Diet?

The cashew should consumes in small portions, about 30 g per day, and preferably the one that comes without salt. This dried fruit can includes in snacks and other foods, such as fruits and yoghurts, and added to salads and recipes such as cakes, bread and cookies.

In addition, the cashew can be ground or purchased in the form of flour to be used in recipes and in the form of butter to spread.

How to Consume the Cashew?

The properties of the cashew, both its nutritional composition and ease of preparation, have facilitated its incorporation into the diet (Caulis, 2021).

To achieve the benefits of cashew, its intake recommend in small portions up to four days a week. The inclusion in the diet, both in adults and children, can be done at breakfast or snacks, desserts or meals.

Your creativity only limits the diversity of ways to consume cashews. Enjoy it on the palate and take advantage of the benefits.

  • The roasted seed, alone, as an appetizer
  • Products made with cashew flour
  • cashew butter
  • Drinks with added fruit
  • Pasta sauces with cashews added
  • Yoghurts and Greeks with added cashew
  • Stonable desserts with added cashew nuts
  • Additives in pastry preparations.

The cashew has an impressive nutritional content. It is a source of calories but low in fat. Learn to enjoy them and use them routinely in your diet.

Main Benefits of Cashew Seeds

Main Benefits of Cashew Seeds

Prevents constipation: the fibers contained in cashew seeds favor intestinal transit.

Improves the bone system: thanks to their high magnesium and calcium content. It these seeds enhance and protect the bones of the human body.

Lose weight: Cashews are low in calories and high in protein, making them a good snack option for people who poverty to lose weight.

Stimulates the immune system: the cashew is a fruit with high amounts of copper and zinc. In which help the development of immune system cells. A produce antioxidant enzymes and activate immune system regulators.

Stimulates melanin: the iron in cashew seeds removes dead skin cells and produces melanin. In a solid pigment to prevent premature ageing.

Prevents type 2 diabetes: The monounsaturated fats in cashews reduce triglycerides and the risk of a person developing type 2 diabetes.

Controls cancer: the proanthocyanins present in cashew seeds have the task of defending the body from the cells that cause colon cancer.


For many, the cashew is unknown, or they have only seen. The version of dried fruit in package presentations. However, it is worth exploring the characteristics of this fruit successfully grown. In Colombia and all the benefits of it a balanced diet. First, given the lack of knowledge about this fruit, it is crucial to clarify how to identify cashew.