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PRP Facial
The PRP facial full name is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an aesthetic treatment that can be applied anywhere on the face and body, as well as on the scalp, to rejuvenate the skin and prevent hair loss. We explain what this technique consists of and what its effects and contraindications are. Specialize with the Master in Aesthetic Medicine if you want to train in applying this beauty treatment.
What is Platelet Rich Plasma?
Platelet-rich plasma is a natural and personalized treatment, similar to the extraction for a legal analysis, which uses a part of the patient’s blood to improve the skin and stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and epidermal tissue. In general, there are two types of PRP:
Facial plasma is ideal for preventing flaccidity, reducing the impact of sunlight and reducing wrinkles and scars, as well as other skin imperfections.
Capillary plasma is used to increase the volume and thickness of the hair and prevent its loss, making it an allied method to combat alopecia.
What does PRP Facial of Treatment Consist of?
PRP – platelet-rich plasma is based on the extraction of a small blood sample from the patient by venipuncture, which is then centrifuged to separate red blood cells, platelets and plasma. One of these parts is the PRP, which is obtained to filter with fine needles in the area of the skin or capillary that you want to treat.
In any case, both in facial plasma and capillary plasma, what is achieved is to activate platelets and release growth factors to achieve an effective treatment. It is a technique that can apply to prevent skin ageing or as a treatment for hair loss.
When do you start to see the Results?
The start effects of PRP are noticeable in a few days and increase as time goes by. Generally, the results are seen at most 20-30 days after receiving the treatment. In the case of applying the treatment to prevent alopecia, the effects can notice from the second session.
In general, the results obtained maintain for a year, and specialists recommend performing a maintenance session after this period.
How many Sessions are Necessary?
Three PRP sessions that last approximately 60 to 90 minutes usually required to achieve effective results. Interventions must carry out separately, one for each month or a month and a half.
The Benefits of PRP Facial
If you are wondering how effective PRP is, here is a sample of the benefits that this aesthetic treatment can bring:
It prevents skin ageing and gives it a firmer and rejuvenating appearance, especially in the areas between the eyebrows, the crow’s feet and the nasolabial fold (the part between the nose and the lips).
- Contributes to smoother and brighter skin.
- Improves and reduces the arrival of wrinkles, scars and stretch marks.
- Promotes hair growth and density.
- It is an effective treatment to prevent alopecia.
What Contraindications does Platelet-Rich Plasma have?
As a technique that uses the patient’s blood, platelet-rich plasma is a simple method that performs on an outpatient basis. However, medical professionals must apply it.
In general, it is a skin and hair treatment that does not involve risks, but there are some contraindications of PRP that are taken into account:
Treatment in Pregnant and Lactating Women is not Recommended.
It is not the most advisable for people with a history of poor healing who have an infection or active inflammation in the skin.
Platelet-rich plasma is best suited for people with a history of systemic disease (cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, malignancy, immunosuppression, uncontrolled diabetes, etc.).
What are the Key Advantages of a PRP Facemask?
Our clients have noticed many aids from this action. Not only does it help the body create new elastin and collagen, but it can virtually do daydreaming with creases, acne scars, lines, stretch marks, and other types of scars. Plus, a PRP facial can pronounces effects with better skin texture and tone.
PRP facial experts at our clinic use the Derma pen micro-needling device. It allows our team members to perform the entire process with unimportant pain and in a short retro. The Derma pen essentially “stamps” the skin with very tiny needles. This unique action causes the body’s natural processes to go into effect. First, the skin produces more collagen and elastin in response to the needling. Concurrently, the body responds to the platelet-rich plasma and works with it to create additional collagen and elastin.
What Precisely is a Treatment Similar?
Many clients know that a PRP facial can make them look health, younger, and usually excellent quickly, but they often have concerns about the process. So after sitting down, our team members will briefly explain to you what’s going to happen. Here’s a quick outline:
A medical team member takes a small sample of your blood and seats it in a centrifuge to isolate plasma and platelets from red cells. The red cells are used in the procedure. Instead, this protein-rich plasma helps stimulate collagen manufacture to infuse into the skin of your face.
- We use a topical cream to numb your skin about 20 minutes before treatment.
- A first infusion is done with hyaluronic acid and Phyto-boost to ensure the skin is fully hydrate and free of pigmentation.
- The plasma is spread all over your face before the next step of the process.
- The medical technician uses a micro-needling device on your forehead, cheeks, and other parts of your face to ensure the protein-rich substance can travel deep into the skin.
- Micro-needing helps stimulate collagen growth, so when used alongside an infusion of PRP, you get a double effect of collagen-boosting.
- You might notice superficial pain on your face and minor bruising from the micro-needling technique when it’s over.
What are the Characteristic Results of PRP Facemasks?
Results take a while to show up, especially after your first facial. But most of our clients generalize tightening of the skin within a few days, a glow and fullness to the entire face, and an overall healthier look.
Results can last several months. That’s why many people choose to have PRP facials a few times yearly to maintain the results for anti-ageing purposes. Initially, it’s best to have about 4-6 treatments at two-week intervals to deal with scarring, skin damage, and problem areas.
What are Some Myths and Facts About PRP Facials?
Myth: PRP facials hurt.
Fact: There’s slight discomfort for a few minutes during and after the procedure, but nothing significant.
Myth: PRP facials are exorbitantly expensive.
Fact: Depending on how many treatments you desire, a single facial is astonishingly affordable. A first treatment can range from over $1,200 to under $1,900.
Myth: PRP facials are a form of surgery.
Fact: They’re not surgery at all. This is one of the critical advantages of PRP treatments.
Myth: There is a risk of infection.
Fact: Because the PRP facial uses your blood plasma and platelets, there’s no risk of getting infected.
Myth: PRP facials offer instant results and are better than face-lift surgery.
Fact: Precisely because the PRP facial is not surgery, it takes a while for results to appear. The big plus, in this case, is that non-surgical procedures cost much less than surgeries, so a PRP facial delivers excellent results without the high cost or risks of surgery. However, a face-lift might be better for people with highly damage or aged skin.
How does Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Work?
PRP is a treatment that consists of extracting a small sample of blood from the patient and centrifuging it to obtain platelets that contain tissue growth factors. These growth factors then apply through superficial microinjections into the skin. It is a natural method that uses a blood derivative, exclusive and specific to each patient, stimulating the production of collagen, elastin and epidermal tissue, which translates into firmer, brighter and better flawless skin.
PRP was obtained by centrifugation of the patient’s blood traction tube. Once centrifuged, a platelet residue adds to a compound called classic chloride. It breaks these platelets and releases the GROWTH FACTORS. (Without this s tip, PRP is NEVER effective.) At the Aesthetic Medical Clinic of Doctor Omar López, located in Gran Canarias. If we have been performing this technique since 1997 due to our knowledge of oral and maxillofacial surgery.