Faktor 5 leiden behindertenausweis  – The disability pass is a photo ID card that is issued in credit card format for applications received by the Social Ministry Service after September 1, 2016. The disability pass can be applied for by people of all ages and is primarily valid for private use. Tax benefits can also be deducted from the employee assessment (tax compensation).

disability pass in credit card format

Faktor 5 leiden behindertenausweis is a congenital blood clotting disorder. People with Factor 5 faktor 5 leiden behindertenausweis have an increased risk of developing thrombosis. The primary aim of this disease is to prevent thrombosis.

The faktor 5 leiden behindertenausweis (pronounced “Factor 5”) is a genetic change in the gene for coagulation factor V.

Coagulation factors play an important role in stopping bleeding.

The mutation results in an increased tendency towards blood clotting, i.e. the formation of blood clots (thrombi/ thrombosis ).

Faktor 5 leiden behindertenausweis mutation results in what is known as “APC resistance.”

Blood clotting is a very complex and well-regulated process in which a variety of substances – including clotting factors – are involved.

To counteract excessive coagulation, there is activated protein C (APC), which inhibits the coagulation factors.

The mutation in factor V gives it a different structure, the APC can no longer interact with it as effectively and consequently cannot inhibit the clotting function. This results in a tendency to thrombosis ( thrombophilia ).


Long asymptomatic –  A Factor V sufferer remains symptom-free for a long time.

Blood clots ( thrombosis ) – manifestation of the disease by the appearance of blood clots, most frequently in the area of ​​the deep leg veins ( → deep vein thrombosis , leg painfully swollen, noticeably warm and dark red in color).

Unnoticed carriers

The mutation of the factor V gene itself does not cause any symptoms and goes unnoticed.

Many affected people are not even aware that they have this mutation.

family history

Evidence of a possible mutation can be provided by a family history, for example if a sibling or parent has a known mutation.

In this case, it is advisable to get tested for the same mutation.

Blood clots

In addition, as described above, APC resistance results in an increased tendency to thrombosis, i.e. a tendency to form blood clots.

The relative risk of suffering a thrombosis is 8-fold increased in heterozygous mutation carriers ( one defective gene from the mother or father ), and even 80-fold increased in homozygous carriers ( two defective genes from the mother and father )!

Deep vein thrombosis

Blood clots ( thromboses ) most commonly form in the deep veins of the legs.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is characterized by severe pain in the (one-sided) swollen leg, possibly dark discoloration and overheating.

These occur after prolonged immobilization, e.g. after surgery, when lying in bed a lot, when sitting frequently or after long-haul flights.

In women of childbearing age, unexplained miscarriages can also indicate the faktor 5 leiden behindertenausweis mutation.

Although it is unclear why this happens, those affected seem to suffer a higher rate of spontaneous abortions.


No causal therapy – There is no causal treatment because it is a hereditary disease.

Therapy for thrombosis – therapy for acute thrombosis.

heparins, vitamin K antagonists

Thrombosis prophylaxis – If there is an increased risk of thrombosis, thrombosis prophylaxis with vitamin K antagonists (as they are better suited for long-term use)

No causal therapy

There is no causal therapy against the faktor 5 leiden behindertenausweis mutation because it is a genetic disease.

preventive measures

Treatment is only available to prevent clots (thrombosis prophylaxis). However, this is only necessary if a thrombosis has already occurred in the past or if a thrombosis is very likely due to the presence of risk factors.

For example, during long flights or when doing standing activities, wearing compression stockings is a good and side-effect-free way to prevent blood clots from forming.

blood thinning

Drug therapy is usually carried out with vitamin K antagonists ( coumarins ), colloquially also called “blood thinners”.

These are available as tablets. The effectiveness can be easily monitored using a simple blood parameter, the INR (International Normalized Ratio). This should be in the target range of INR=2-3.


Heparins, on the other hand, are usually used in the post- thrombosis condition for 6-12 months and during pregnancy.

They are available as disposable syringes and are injected into the subcutaneous tissue.